Full Moon

Posted: May 19, 2019 by Mo Crow in It's Crow Time
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“The moon, second-hand, worn at the edges, was hung up in the sky like something a housewife leaves out to remind her it needs mending.”
Brothers and Sisters
The Real and the Unreal selected stories of Ursula K Le Guin
Volume One Where on Earth
page 5
in tears for our beautiful broken world, Australia has just re-elected Scott Morrison, the man who brought a lump of coal gleefully into parliament a few years ago…
after curling up in bed for an hour, sleeping uneasily, the moon’s cold light helped me dream up a dozen new moon variations
here’s some from the past few years
moon ladder Mo15
moon boat Mo15
a love letter to the moon Mo15
toad moon with ladder Mo15
dark moon with ladder Mo16
Honesty Mo16
Honesty Mo17
dark side undone  2017
Once in a Blue Moon 2018
the chicken & the egg 2017
reminding myself to
Make Art Not War

  1. Martine says:

    Mo i know nothing about Scott Morrison but when i celebrate the new moon in a few hours i wont say: beam me up Scotty. Let him be the lonesome man in the moon for eternity………..

  2. Liz A says:

    we are plunging headlong into dystopia …

  3. ravenandsparrow says:

    It is just one disappointment after another. I was hoping Australia would vote more progressively. Sorry for you and for us all.

    • Mo Crow says:

      (((Dana))) I curled back up in bed dreaming of making more moon variations, woke up grabbed a pen, scribbled down some thoughts & sketches and have just added a few photos of some of the past moon variations

  4. Sue McQ says:

    (((Mo))) your shirt speaks volumes- your lovely
    your lovely smile- Blessings

  5. Margaret Johnson says:

    Your work is BEAUTIFUL…I can’t believe how Australians voted. I have to agree with Bob Brown’s…greed won over…

    • Mo Crow says:

      (((Margaret))) thanks for the good words, making art with love for our beautiful broken world builds the bridges we need to clean up our mess, to quote Jill Sampson of Bimblebox 153 Birds :

      “So this is it. Three more years of climate inaction and a hell of a lot of amazing biodiversity, water and environment that we will likely lose in that time. It’s difficult to contemplate. But…we must…all roll up our sleeves – engage with everyone and keep working. The future is too valuable and at risk. Artists – get out into regional centres, develop artist residencies in rural communities, exhibitions in regional centres. Engage, engage, engage. Talk to people who are in the mining jobs, agriculture, rural towns where it’s tough to keep businesses going. We can’t afford to further fracture the different areas in Australia. Artists have a unique ability to find ways to connect with people. Engage, but also learn, listen and understand. Let’s keep building bridges.”

  6. Patty M says:

    Your work is beautiful and gives me joy!

  7. Oh the world of politics is a rocky road, but with art to elevate us above the momentary disasters in that field and our ability to see what really matters, to express and share that, we are saved from despair and defeat. Where there is breath, there is love. Where there is love, there is courage.

    Your many moons are full of love and courage.

    I would love a small 4X6 print of that wonderful photo of laughing You to put on my altar.

  8. PS for love-a prayer

  9. Tina says:

    You have the most beautiful smile .. art filled mind and spirit.

  10. Judy Martin says:

    Thank you dear Mo for the review of your wonderful moon work. Take care of yourself sweetheart. Make more moons and ladders and connections. You are one of earth’s treasures. xo

  11. deemallon says:

    The lovely collection of your work stands in such stark contrast to the perpetual teetering (or is it rushing headlong?) into disaster. I’m so so sorry about this election. Engage, engage, engage. And, sometimes, retreat. You ARE a treasure!

  12. jude says:

    Love you Mo

  13. Barry says:

    Hi MC – we must hold on to the serenity and power of the moon in these trying times. Keep on working for and imagining a world where love is the answer. Go well. B

  14. Marti says:

    When it all becomes too much, reach for the moon, stars and those whose lives inspire with their spirit, their courage, their creativity, their caring, their connection to what matters most, most of all, their love. You are that touchstone Mo for you are giving, gracious and grace-filled. You opened a door into my soul with your invitation to The Gathering and I will forever treasure the experience as I treasure the simple fact, as many have said, Mo, You are a Treasure.

    • Mo Crow says:

      (((Marti))) thank you for the encouragement and good words, we are living in such strange days and yet there is still so much love and beauty in our fragile world…

  15. fiberels says:

    So many beautiful moons (and a beautiful you) bring joy !

    (politics hardly ever does)

  16. Nancy says:

    (((Mo))) Here we all are, under one beautiful Moon, in this life together…and I am grateful you are here too…sharing your loving heart and amazing work. The Moon sings through your fingertips. xo

  17. Hazel says:

    How wonderful to revisit these again, I don’t think I could pick a favorite.

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