more photos of the dream for the full moon on the autumn equinox

Posted: March 21, 2019 by Mo Crow in It's Crow Time, The Gathering
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more photos of I dream of a world where love is the answer
west side stories
Els Snieder, Glenda Chamberlain, Olga Cironis
Dee Mallon, René Walkin, Wendy Watson, Jane Bodnaruk, Jude Hill
Susi Bancroft, Dana Webb, Margarita Sampson
Marti Weisbrich
Cathy Wright, India Flint, Ulrike Bogdan
east side stories
Eliene St Romain, Jane Stapleford, Jo New, Bronwyn Berman
Bronwyn Berman, Liz Ackert, Judy Martin
Gab Bates Home Protection Amulet
Els Snieder Heart Talisman
Christina Cairns
Shona Wilson
Anita Larkin
Jane Milliken
Bronwyn Berman
Namaste by Susan Kapuscinski Gaylord
link to online catalogue for more details
see you at Artsite Galleries for the closing ceremony on Sunday 3-5pm

  1. fiberels says:

    So wonderful to BE there (at least a bit …)

    • Mo Crow says:

      (((Els))) yesterday Old Man Crow took a video walk through the dream on his iPhone, just have to figure out how to get it on the computer!

  2. Marti says:

    Here in the US, it is still March 20th, Spring Equinox, so it is so fitting to see the rest of the pennants, talismans on display. Mo, you couldn’t have picked a better season to hold your gallery exhibition for spring, as we all know, is the time of hope, of possibility, of growth, of rebirth, of renewal, all so strongly needed, now more than ever. If I had one wish it would be that this exhibition could travel the world. The question has been asked, the answer given and Art, as it does, has transcended its boundaries thanks to your vision Mo of creating a moment, a movement, a momentum of a caring, connecting, inclusive, supportive and loving community that serves as a sign post on the road to healing our planet.

    • Mo Crow says:

      (((Marti))) we need a Matter Transfer Unit to send the dream around the world, the March Equinox is a powerful time for letting go of the old and bringing in the new, this is the biggest honouring of the magic yet!

      • Marti says:

        Mo, I have my head full of spring, ot this coming time of planting, of growing that I forgot in your part of the world, it is the autumn equinox a time of harvesting of gathering, of hopeful abundance and that in and of itself, so fits this gallery exhibition for The Gathering created here is plentiful, wise and filled with the realness of Love for our Planet…

  3. christina says:

    (((Mo))) So beautiful…wonderful to see these photos…I feel as if I am wandering through the gallery and the gathering of creativity and loving intent is powerful…feeling the love in all the creations for our amazing planet earth. Thank you for your good heart and all your hard work. Sending much love your way….

  4. Dana says:

    What an accomplishment. Thank you for these added photos.

  5. Martine says:

    Mo……….so good to see you looking so happy……and beeautiful!

  6. Tina says:

    I am still in awe of it all .. the whole idea of it. The last picture .. your beautiful smiling face says everything. Looks like you’re doing the Happy Dance.

  7. Oh my goodness there is my contribution between René and Jane and one away from Jude! The images are so beautiful Mo.

  8. Nancy says:

    The light, the shadows…every photo is an artistic dream Mo! I would want it to stand for years! 🙂

  9. TOO WOW FOR WORDS and that photo of laughing you – Outstanding!

  10. vdbolyard says:

    looks great–what a fine grouping

  11. Judy Martin says:

    wow, congratualations for a beautiful exhibition. love love love, love love love xoxo

  12. Jane Milliken says:

    Loving the love being shared around the world through these wonderful exhibits, a tree of love and pennants and talismans to treasure. Bless you dear happy heart. I am full of jumping beans…

  13. perlhuhn52 says:

    Mo so wonderful to see, thanks a lot. Every time I look at your blog I can feel the magic. Doris

  14. Fiona says:

    Dear Mo – what glorious photos of the Gathering – so serene and strong. And the talisfolk will be with me forever. I feel as if their spirit is so contained in their wee-ness; yet so powerful, and intense. Fingers crossed for the transfer of the video! Go well.

    PS I have decided blogger and wordpress have entered some sort of argument and won’t let it be easy for one or the other to comment on the other…sigh. Nevertheless, she persisted!

    • Mo Crow says:

      (((Fiona))) the video is proving difficult to move from the new iphone to my 11 year old computer for editing & the footage is not that exciting, will have another go for the closing ceremony with a camera this time… “spirit likes to see us dance on the shifting sands of change” as my old friend Pete Webb (gardener extraordinaire) said so long ago & this 21st C world is certainly keeping us dancing!!

  15. Hazel says:

    How wonder filled it must be to stand beneath it all…

    • Mo Crow says:

      (((Hazel))) it’s so beautiful feeling the strands of thread knotted into the antique curtain tickling, the view into the back is so mysterious, magical and womanly

  16. Shona Wilson says:

    what a perfectly realised loving dream xxxxxx

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