a prayer in process

Posted: November 11, 2016 by Mo Crow in It's Crow Time
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I stitched Helen Garner’s dream of the bravely, doggedly flowering bush on to some very thin strong silk then made a red flower with red felt, red silk, red waxed linen, a red button, red glass beads, a grape vine tendril painted black and a weathered seed inlaid with red thread.

“On the lip of an abyss roaring with dark wind stood a tiny bush that bore an intensely red flower. The bush grew right on the very edge of nothingness, and yet somehow its roots were holding. It had a grip that no wind could disturb; it thrived there, all on its own, this modest little plant, and while the abyss yawned beside it, it went on bravely, doggedly flowering.”

Helen Garner “Notes from a Brief Friendship” 2011 p46 “Everywhere I Look” 2016

“Sometimes it seems to me that, in the end, the only thing people have got going for them is imagination. At times of great darkness, everything around us becomes symbolic, poetic, archetypal.
Perhaps this is what dreaming, and art, are for.”

Helen Garner “On Darkness” 2015 p152 “Everywhere I Look” 2016
Helen Garner and Michael Leunig have helped me make some sort of sense of the world over and over since the early 70’s
the-banished-angel-by-michael-leuniga page from Michael  Leunig’s “Wild Figments”
making this small red flowering thing is a form of prayer…
prayer-as-a-wayfinder-mo16seeking beauty in the dark
this weathered seed was washed up on a beach like a refugee …
the roots have let go, the brave red flower is riding the wild winds of these dark times

  1. Catherine Wright says:

    Beautiful, Mo. I, too, love Helen Garner and Michael Leunig.

  2. coloremartine says:

    Mo this is more than imagination……….this is sheer beauty………….

  3. Eliene says:

    The first thing I flashed on to as I read this was the NZ Pohutakawa which has a red bottlebrush like flower that one can see growing from a crack in a cliff face..just hanging in the air. Shows a real determination to survive. Prayers come in many forms and & thank you for sharing both of these today.

    • Mo Crow says:

      I’m looking out for the purrfect gnarled wind bent branch to tie it all together, Metrosideros is a tough street tree here in Sydney & may well have that perfect branch!

  4. Julie Banks says:

    The tenacity expressed in Helen Garner’s words and your creativity in the face of adversity is inspirational.

  5. handstories says:

    Beauty, art & prayer seem all the more important in the last days. Something to hold on to.

  6. All the while since the astounding election I’ve been hanging on – communicating love and kindness for the most part – expressing grief through poems and others works…then Leonard Cohen died and I spent some hours with “The Tibetan Book of the Dead Narrated by him and constructed a blog with the whole film
    Then last night I went for a brisk walk around many blocks past midnight and when i reached Madison Square I turned to take a photograph of the Empire State building lit up Red, looking like a fist giving the finger and blazing like a fire
    Then I wept and slept.

  7. shemann says:

    thank you!

  8. Liz A says:

    We pray together, words falling from our lips and our hands … thank you for showing a way to seed the world with hope

  9. jude says:

    thank you Mo, I haven’t been here enough lately.

  10. saskia says:

    thank you, beautiful, all of it x

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